Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Eastern Districts Orchid Society Show - Cattleyas | Part 1

Hey Everyone,
I have spent the most wonderful two days with the members of Eastern Districts Orchid Society (EDOS), of which I'm also a member.  Last night was the set-up for our 47th Annual Autumn Show, and today was the first day, and tomorrow the last.  I bought some wonderful plants, and there have been plenty of anecdotes, but they shall have to wait, because for now, I think I'll just upload some of the Cattleya place-getters, and then pop off to bed, so I'm bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the show tomorrow.

Cattleya Alliance Hybrid Exhibition Type - Any Other Colour

First Prize: Blc. Alma Kee 'Tipmalee'
Second Prize: Rhynchosophrocattleya Glenn Maidment 'Southern Cross'
Third Prize: Brassolaeliocattleya Mount Isa 'Jean'

Cattleya Alliance Hybrid Exhibition Miniature Type - max bloom 60mm

First Prize: Rhyncattleanthe Free Spirit x Rhyncholaeliocattleya Serene Beau
Second Prize: Sophrolaeliocattleya Precious Kate 'H & R'

Third Prize: Potinara Burana Angel 'Hsinying'

Cattleya Alliance Hybrid Exhibition Type - Predominantly Mauve/Pink/Purple

First Prize: Rhyncholaeliocattleya Burdekin Girl 'Louisa'

Second Prize: Brassolaeliocattleya Glenn Maidment x Brassocattleya Donna Kimura

Third Prize: RhyncattleantheDal's Girl 'Aerial'

Cattleya Alliance Hybrid Exhibition Compact Type - Max Bloom 100mm

First Prize: Rhyncattleanthe CRB's Supreme
Second Prize: Rhyncholaeliocattleya Love Call x Rhyncholaeliocattleya Dal's Sunset
Third Prize: Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chunyeah 'Good Life No 1'

Well, the show is now over, I started this post on Saturday, and I've been so busy since, and it's not until now (Tuesday) that I've been able to finish part one.

There's been some hectic plant related things going on lately, and it's been an absolute hoot.  But more on that soon... I promise,

Happy Gardening,


  1. Awesome pictures. I'm not really a Cattleya fan, but Rhynchosophrocattleya Glenn Maidment 'Southern Cross' is a real stunner!

  2. though i am not a big fan of Cattleya, but those pics just got me drooling. great pics


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Happy Gardening :)