Monday, March 17, 2014

Trying a new thing :)

Hey everyone,
I haven't posted in MOOOOONTHS and admittedly I've missed it like i never would have expected. Since I last posted all manner of things have happened, graduation, acceptance into uni, making new friends, visiting all manner of botanic gardens, forests and making hundreds of new discoveries... Including that my university has an owl post in one of their buildings that one of the lecturers per owls perches on from time to time. 

Well anyways, the blog posts may have stopped but the garden most certainly hasn't stopped growing, or more correctly, dieing. Sadly we've had one of the driest summers (our wet season) in years, with most of the state suffering a terrible drought. At the moment here at home the shade house is an oasis of green, with the plants inside and a fairy ring of grass surrounding it being the only green things in the whole yard. But hopefully the cool temperatures will being some unnatural rain... Oh the sweet delicious thought of rain...

Well, I'll conclude this post with a few photos and the promise to post more. I've just downloaded the blogger app for iPhone so hopefully this will allow me to blog on the busses in and out of uni and other such situations. 

Happy growing,


  1. Glad to see you're busy in a good way! The iPhone app isn't great, but it's helpful to start a post or get down ideas, (that I'll usually go back and finish/add photos on my laptop,) I wish it was a little more involved.

    Great looking blooms despite your weather, especially the color on that Ping flower!

  2. Congratulations, and very best wishes for uni!
    (I just discovered I haven't been on Blogspot for so long that I had to log in again and I struggled to remember my password, and I don't have the excuse of being busy with all sorts of interesting things. I don't know if I'll do much with my blog in the near future, maybe a weather update. Strange to read of your drought when we already have more than our average amount of rain for March. Wish I could send your garden some.)


Hi, I'd love it if you'd make a comment. I enjoy hearing what you think and all comments are read, and replied to, to the best of my ability at the time.

Happy Gardening :)