Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oncidium Twinkle 'Pink Profusion' & 'Fragrance Fantasy'

Oncidium Twinkle 'Pink Profusion' & 'Fragrance Fantasy'

Onc. Twinkle 'Fragrance Fantasy'
Oncidium Twinkle is a primary hybrid between Onc. cheirophorum and Onc. sotoanum.  This hybrid was registered in 1958 and since then has achieved global popularity with many different forms being grown by enthusiasts.  I have mine potted in 2 parts medium bark to 1 part styrofoam cubes.  They are grown under 75% shade cloth and I let them dry out between watering.

The two forms which I own are 'Pink Profussion' and 'Fragrance Fantasy'.  My 'Fragrance Fantasy' flowered for the first time this past year and what it lacks in individual flower size it makes up for in numbers.  It had 6 spikes on it all of which were jam-packed with flowers.  The plants are very impressive for their size and their scent is an aiding factor in their popularity.  A hybrid I most strongly suggest and make brilliant specimen plants.  I have mine potted in 2 parts medium bark to 1 part styrofoam cubes.  They are grown under 75% shade cloth and I let them dry out between watering.
Onc. Twinkle 'Pink Profusion'


  1. Oncidiums, are they orchids? Yes I have been changing things around a bit lately, I took my music off, because I couldn't turn it down or off or change the songs, anyway my son who is a website designer, got rid of it without getting rid of the code which is still embedded, just in case I want to use it again. So my dear Michael you are not going insane. Best Wishes Karen.

    1. That they are Karen :)

      I just decided to take the music off mine too.

      glad to know i'm not going crazy :)

  2. Wow, I absolutely LOVE researching orchid geneologies, and I am interested in knowing how you make your little family trees that you use!

    1. I must admit I find it fascinating... though it does get a bit tedious with the really COMPLEX hybrids.

      as for the family trees, i do them in Microsoft word -> SmartArt Tab -> and then the hierarchy option, and then i just figured out how to do it from there. then i just save the hierarchy as an image

      I hope that helps, be sure to let me know how you go

  3. Ahhh, my mom's laptop that I used DID come with Microsoft Word, but the verification key must've been lost, so if anything, I will scour the internet for a template to use. . .


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Happy Gardening :)