Happy Bloom Day everyone, this if my first time participating in it so hopefully someone is around to see the photos.
i won't be writing much in the way of a story, but i'll try caption all the photos and if there's anything particularly interesting or funny i'll write a short story on it too :)
Some Blooms on my Hawarthia |
One of my daisys |
A Miniature Rose |
Spiraxis |
A Bee i was lucky enough to get a photo of on one of my Lavenders |
Stachytarpheta, a brilliant nectar eating bird attractant |
My Skopa, grown a bit since i last posted photos |
May Bush |
The following photos were taken at night
Dendrobium speciosum, with a dendrobium beetle on one of the flowers |
Viola |
Skopa |
A Mystery Daisy thing, these two blooms are on the same plant |
Variegated Oregano |
Pentas |
Add caption |
Mystery Plant |
Rose |
Shrimp Plant |
That miniature rose again |
Phalaenopsis |
Dendrobium lichenastrum |
Unknown Dendrobium |
Dockrillia schoenina |
Arpophyllum giganteum |
The following photos are ones i put on instagram
Flapjack |
Banksia |
Jonquil |
Cattleya |
Rose at Brisbane Botanical Gardens |
Unknown Plant from Botanical Gardens |
Nepenthes at the Botanical Gardens |
Oncidium Twinkle 'Fragrance Fantasy' |
Oncidium Twinkle 'Pink Profussion' |
Rhyncostylus gigantea |
Phalaenopsis |
Anthurium |
Dendrochilum |
Rhyncostylus gigantea |
My dog wearing earmuff while he helped me build a potting bench, LOL |
Dendrobium speciosum |
Dendrobium speciosum |
Dendrobium speciosum |
Dendrobium speciosums |
Orchid Photo compilation |
Rose Geranium |
Other Photos
New Sarracenia pitchers |
anthurium scherzerianum, gotta get a better photo |
Tolumnia |
Some photos i took at the Toowoomba Carnival of the Flowers today, i know they aren;t from my garden, but i was very proud of the photos so just had to share :)
I hope you liked them, and as for the Carnival of Flowers photos if you keep checking my blog i'll be posting about 10-20 photos a day from the carnival, and i have 600 photos to go through so i'll be posting them for a while, but there will still be plenty of news from the garden at my house too :)
Happy Gardening,
I've wanted to go to the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers for years now, but have never made it. Scrolling through your fabulous photos is the next best thing. What a wonderful array of blooms.
ReplyDeleteThere are loads of gorgeous blooms in your Spring garden too. Loved the Spiraxis. Unfortunately it won't grow up here in the north. The May Bush really caught my eye. What stunning white blooms! You have some beautiful Orchids in your collection too.
the carnival is truly amazing, the carnival doesn't start properly until next weekend. it is amazing how much the plants grow between now and then, i'm going up again next week (beginning of the school holidays), and i'll be staying up there with grandma and we'll be going on the bus tours of the gardens together so plenty more photos to come
Deleteit was the first time the spiaxis has bloomed in several years so it was really exciting because i'd forgotten i had it and just thought the plants were Jonquils or something, LOL
i have a couple of plants that i was told wouldn't grow at my house but i just mulch the beejesus out of them in summer and they pull through, LOL
the may bush is going to be really nice this year, it's in a big pot at the moment but i think that after its flowered i'll plant it in the garden so it can get nice and big :)
i have over 300 orchids so they keep me out of mischief and i always have something in bloom throughout the year.. do you grow any orchids?
oh and thanks for the comment Bernie, i really appreciate it, i haven't had time to go through the bloom day photos yet, it should be good fun. it's nice finding the Aussie garden blogs
Wow Bernie, i went to have a look at your blog, but then i saw there's three to choose from, and they are all amazing, and complex and detailed, i don't know where on earth to start, they are truly amazing, i just have to figure out where to start LOL
DeleteHi Michael. Welcome to Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! You've got a great blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mac, i Love GBBD, its so nice seeing all the photos of gardens from around the world, and its so nice finding all the australian gardening blogs, i love it :)
DeleteYou've posted some amazing blooms Michael. I don't recognise many of them. What's a May Bush?
ReplyDeleteMystery plant might be some kind of Tradescantia Christina
Hey Christina,
Deletethanks for having a look at my blog, i really appreciate it, many of the plants from the Carnival of Flowers i don't know either, normally they have signs of what is what so maybe they just haven't put them up yet, LOL
the scientific name for the May Bush is Spiraea cantoniensis, its a beautiful plant that gets absolutely covered in the beautiful white blooms, i hope i got some shots of the ones in Toowoomba, they were to die for
thankyou for the advice on the mystery plant, the flowers certainly look the same but the plant shape is different, i'll have to get a shot of the whole plant.... i've got quite a few mystery plants :)
Such beautiful flowers! Your orchids are amazing!!! I like that may bush, too. And your photos from the carnival of flowers are just gorgeous! As for the subject - I can't even imagine seeing so many flowers in one place! Impressive!
ReplyDeletethe Carnival is always absolutely amazing, full of inspiration and it inspires me to keep on gardening.... if only i had deeper pockets and could afford more plants, but oh well, LOL
Deleteoh and speaking of orchids, the generosity of the orchid world simply amazes me, this morning i got a phone call from a friend of mine telling me to ring a certain member of my society, he said it would be worth my while, he gave me his phone number and address, and told me to ring him straight away, so i did, and guess what, i am now going to visit the member of the society on tuesday after my biology exam to pick up a TRAY of orchids, not just one, but a whole bleeding tray of them... when i asked him what i'd done to deserve such generosity he said that he wanted to get rid of them and he knew i'd appreciate them, so HOW COOL IS THAT?!
Hi Michael,
ReplyDeleteYou've got some wonderful photos here. I particularly like the unusual edge view of the Kalanchoe (flap jacks) leaves. Your mystery plant is a Ruellia, possibly Ruellia brittoniana, although I can't see the foliage quite well enough to be sure.
Your gardening enthusiasm is refreshing and wonderful and thanks for sharing so many photos. It's good to see the Toowoomba festival looking so lush.
Everyone that sees my Kalanchoe (flap jack), always wants a peice or comments on it, i am always surprised by how much people love it, i am constantly taking a peice from here and a bit from there to give to people, it's always nice being able to share a plant or two
Deleteand i would say that you are spot on with the Ruellia brittoniana, i can't say how much i appreciate you giving me the name for it, i've wanted to know for ages and now you have told me..... :D THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
i'll be uploading more and more photos from the festival over the next week or two.
thank you so much for you kind words, and i'll definitely be having a look around Garden Drum :)
Welcome to Bloom Day! Your photos are stunning--the orchids are just fabulous. I also really love your May Bush--lovely! Our garden is beginning to recover from the South Carolina heat, but are blooms were few this month. Look forward to visiting your garden again soon! Happy GBBD to you!
ReplyDeleteHey Julie,
Deletethanks for the welcome, so far i've absolutely loved it. so many people participate in it so its great seeing everyones plants
and thank you for the compliment on the photos and the orchids, speaking of orchids i got a heap as a gift from a friend today, it was so nice of him.
you're not the only one whos garden is recovering, we got our first bit of rain for 4 months today, and even then it was barely anything, barely enough to wet the grass, but hopefully its just a sign of whats to come. glad to hear yours is getting back on its feet. you certainly did have some nice flowers at the moment, and talk about peppers in your garden.
please, do pop by, i'd love to "show you around" :)