Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Shaggy Tiger

Hey Everyone,
sadly today was the final day of the EDOS Spring Show.  I had an ABSOLUTE HOOT! i always enjoy myself emensly at the shows and i never manage to keep myself out of mischief hehehehe :).

well, as i said last night, I WON 2 THIRDS! WOOHOO! and of course, i made sure i got some photos today, but for some reason i didn't get photos of the whole plants, and seeing as the Dendrobium gracilicaule is down in the shade house you'll just have to look at an older post to see a photo of it, and as for the Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum i had that in my bedroom so i just got a happy snap of it :)

oh, and you are probably wondering about the post title, well i got bored so i googled the common names of my two winners, and the Den. gracilicaule is known as the Tiger Orchid, and the Paph. hirsutissimum is often called the Shaggy Orchid, so i figured Shaggy Tiger might peak someones interest... or at least confuse you :)

well, i'd say it's photo time, wouldn't you?

well, as i am sadly always saying, i'd best be off, i want to quickly try and find an old article from the magazine The Orchadian because apparently it had an article about the different forms of Sarcochilus falcatus, and i'd really like to find what form mine is as people suggested that it was an alba form and all this stuff, so it should be interesting, so i'll leave you with a photo of my Sarc, and i wish you all;
Happy Growing


  1. Well done for your ribbons Michael :D ... and well deserved they are too, I know how carefully you tend to your beloved orchids :o).
    Joy :o)

  2. They are both beautiful, but WOW Michael, that Paph!!! Nice growing, should've been 1st place.

    1. thanks Melody,
      the reason why mine got third was because the judges went on flower shape and presentation, if the dorsal on the flowers was more upright then it probably would have gotten it. though depending on the judges if it had been a different judge they may have put more 'weight' one size of the plant and number of flowers than on flower shape, but i don't mind, i'm excited with third and even then i don't mind, i like it and thats all i care about :) it's nice that others like it too :D


Hi, I'd love it if you'd make a comment. I enjoy hearing what you think and all comments are read, and replied to, to the best of my ability at the time.

Happy Gardening :)