Hey Everyone,
here in Australia we start a season on the first day of the month, for example, for us, Spring starts on the 1st of September, Summer the 1st December, and so on, and i've always thought it was the same all around the world, however, I have just found at that this is actually incorrect, many/all (i'm not sure) Americans actually dictate the seasons on the Spring and Autumn (Fall) equinox and the Summer and Winter Solstices. Now i'm not sure of why australia does it differently but apparently so do many other countries as well, many do it on the dates of the Equinox and Solstices and others on the 1st of the appropriate months. how truly fascinating.
Well, yesterday i was out in the garden weeding out my bromeliad garden as well as splitting up some of the broms in there as well to fill up a couple of spaces, it's not done yet but it's coming along nicely, i hope to finish it off next week. i would finish it tomorrow but Friday is my chemistry exam so i'll be studying my little bum off in preparation for it. and then after my exam i'm being picked up by dad and we are zooming up to Toowoomba to set up for a Craft show up there. i may not stay up there all week next week, though then again i might, it all depends on how i feel at the time. if i do stay up there you wont hear from me because Grandma doesn't have any internet access. but when i do come back.... whenever that may be i'll have some photos to show you, they'll be more of the Carnival, and some of some orchids that i was given by a friend of mine yesterday, he gave me 3 TRAYS of them! how nice is that?! and they are some really rare ones too which is very exciting.
Also, guess what! i now have a whole 10 followers/subscribers, so to those 10 wonderful people out there, THANK YOU! :)
now, The Buzz from the Bees, (the bees in my garden have decided that they want to have a segment call The Buzz from the Bees about what is, or will be in flower :), so i'll let them tell you whats in flower)
The Dendrobium gracillicaule has finally opened after several months of waiting, they are a beautiful yellow on the inside and a spotty red on the out side and smell really nice, but we can't really figure out what they smell like.. we'll have to get back to you on that one. And we bees had an entertaining time watching the silly human try to get the camera to focus on the flower instead of the wall of the shade house.... it was very funny. |
Oh how pretty they looked in the setting sun this afternoon, pitty the silly human had to see us in there and chase us away for fear that we'd pollinate all the flowers and they would die.... what does he know, as if we'd want to pollinate a creepy flower that has glowing eyes... can you see it? |
another wonderful view of those pretty flowers |
The weird and wonderful Ruscus that the young human got off one of his orchid friends is flowering again too... but it weirds us bees out too much so we don't go near it. |
The tag on this one says Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum, that weird kid was jumping up and down today because he was so excited that it was starting to open, he said something about an orchid show coming up... who knows, we don't like the frowny face on this one when it opens up so we might not go near it too much while it's open |
we were really excited when the kid got some good photos of his Dendrobium kingianum today, he tried several times last week but each time they didn't turn out right, but he tried again today and succeeded. this one smells really nice and it is hanging right at head height so whenever Michael walks into the shade house he always gives it a sniff and keeps walking with a smile on his face... |
Yesterday a heap of new orchids appeared in one of the shade houses, all those ones there in the photo are new, as well as a couple on another one of the benches, apparently they got given to the kid by one of his friends, how nice is that, we bees are all really looking forward to when they all flower, the kid said something about there being some rare ones, or something, so he'll probably get on here and tell you all about them when he gets some time on the holidays. |
we were excited to see an orchid in bud come in with the new orchids so it should be really interesting to see what the flower looks like, apparently it's a first time flowering seedling. |
we bees are a bit worried. we try to steer clear of the pond down next to the shade houses because there are some nasty bug eating plants down there, but we had to go and have a look when the nuisance started whooping and hollering with excitement because this is the first time one of his nasty plants has flowered.... how terrible, another thing to eat us.. though the flowers themselves aren't going to eat us, we snuck into michaels room and did some research on the computer while Michael was locking up the chooks, i Betcha he's going to make us pollinate the flower, and then he's going to be growing hundreds of these things |
Not only is the Mormolyca rigens growing ANOTHER flower (its been in continuous flower for 6 months now, which apparently also due to the 6 months means it can go in the upcoming orchid show), but we are excited because look at all those new growths coming on it, new growths mean more roots, more roots mean a healthier plant, a healthier plant means MORE FLOWERS! YAY! |
we also spotted the kid taking a photo of his Promenae today, apperently it has 2 flower spikes coming on it, see them? they are those weird white things wither side of the front bulb. he was very excited. |
that weird Dendrobium keithii is in flower again, we were wondering when it would flower for several months because we never saw it flower, but then one day we were eaves dropping on the kid while he showed his mum around the shade house and he said that this grows the flowers on the bottom of the stems, which would explain why he has it growing up so high in the shade house because then he can always see it when it flowers
and finally, the big Dendrobium chrysotoxum is covered in buds that will turn into flower spikes, last years show was amazing so hopefully this years show is equally so, or maybe even better, legs cross (we bees don't have fingers you see?).
Well, thats all from us bees and we aren't going to let that kid back near the blog again for the rest of tonight because he has study to do for his Geography examS, yes plural, tomorrow, and he better keep going.
so, may your gardens keep blooming, and why don't you appreciate us bees a bit more, we do some hard work.
... in the words of Tigger, TTFN, Ta Ta For Now
You have such a different garden-scape from here in the southern part of the US...thanks for showing it. And, I'm like you, I didn't know there was another way of identifying the starts of the seasons...who knew?
ReplyDeleteHey Flower Pot, so how did you identify the start of the season; beginning of the month or solstice/equinox?
DeleteI just found you ...wonerful photos and orchids I have trouble growing them....I love austraia....
ReplyDeleteHey Sharon, be sure to keep popping in, i'll be doing a couple more posts about my orchids in the near future, i didn't want to talk about the too much for fear i would bore you all to death :)
Deleteif you ever want some tips about growing them be sure to ask, do you have any at the moment?
I always thought the seasons start on the first of the month for everyone too, until I got on the internet and found out otherwise. Isn't it great how the internet lets us see and learn new things.